Sunday 18 December 2016

5 Beauty Tips for caring the skin in this cool winter

5 Beauty Tips for caring the skin in this cool winter

Winter season is of course a severe condition which is truly beautiful and enthusiastic. Yet the climate variation will make several changes in the skin and the problems on the same will get increased. To make the skin as supple as before, you should try out the winter beauty kits. Dryness of the skin is one of the important problems during the winter. Here are some major precautions or remedies for these diseases.

1.       Use the Perfect Winter Sunscreen

You may think that sunscreen is not relevant during the winter, but when you go outside, never fail to use the sunscreen. The sunrays during the winter are really strong and make the best protection. Use online marts for the better products. Use it all over the body and try to get the branded items.

2.       Make Oil Baths Frequently

It is very useful during the winter season. Oil will ooze into the skin and it will rejuvenate with high nutrients. The dryness of the skin will be reduced. The scales that are formed due to the severe cold in the body and head will be removed after the oil bath. Use the Olive Oil or Coconut oil for the bath. Online shopping marts will help you to get the virgin oils.

3.       Use Moisturizer

It is a common practice during the winter. But don’t fail to apply it all over the body. Don’t miss to buy the moisturizers which can be applied to the palm and the nails. It will help to prevent the nails from rupturing. Moisturizers for the hair should also try. Make your stock up-to-date by buying the best products  at the best price.

 4.       Use Mask of Basil and any Flour


You may now get wondered by seeing this heading. But it is true. You can use the mask which is made by the combination of basil and any flour. After applying it for 30 minutes please remove it with warm water. It will help you to remove the scales and other dry dead cells from the skin. Try it once in every 2 weeks. It is actually a beauty secret in India.

5.       Use the best Covered Clothes

You may think that what the relevance of this topic, but it has got great importance. If you expose the body to the direct climate, it will make very great difficulties. The dryness of the skin will increase and the scales will formed. Never make your body exposed to the cool wind and the climate.

Saturday 3 December 2016

Picture Blog with the stunning Make Up styles

Excellent makeups will make you extraordinary everywhere. Make yourself more beautiful and grab the best beauty products from the online shopping.

1. Make up for Marriage

2. Bridal Makeup

3. Bronze Makeup

4. Cartoon Makeup

5. Date Night Makeup

6. Natural Makeup

7. Night Party Makeup

8. Party Makeup

9. Permanent Makeup


10. Red Carpet Makeup

Monday 14 November 2016

Still unknown secrets in the Indian Villages to make your look stunning!!!

online shopping

You may be thinking about the topic and its relevance. But when you see the beautiful Indian Village girls, you will get really shocked. They won’t use any make up and their natural look has got a stunning story to tell. Their life style and habits and the still unknown mystical beauty secrets will make a fairy tale. Once you come up with this, you will always try it. Using the natural beauty products won’t make any harm to the health and you can make the online shopping for the same. Here are the surprising beauty tips that are famous among the village people in India.

1.        Early Bath in the cold water

For them, their day will be starting with the bath, which will be taking in the cold water. It will give the total refreshment for both the physic and mind. The aura will be purified which will results in the increase of positive energy. As the major component for the beauty is cleanliness, it will really work out. They will also take a bath in the evening before going to bed. Try this plan and you will be able to see the tremendous changes.

2.       Super Vegetarian Food

Indian Food is famous for its purity and taste. They will include vegetarian dishes more as they are thinking that non vegetarian food is not good for health. Leafy vegetables and foods that contain more vitamins will be adding to their diet. In the morning they will use food that is cooked in the steam. It will make the skin smoother and the fairness will also improve. Hair growth will enhance and try these kinds of food to make your beautiful look.


3.       Turmeric, Neem, Aloe Vera Mixture

It is a magic mixture that will make your look stunning. They will make the turmeric powder and will store it. Hence they can use it once they want. Along with that powder neem and aloe vera along with the milk will be using on the face and body. It is a good antiseptic and will help you to improve the complex. You can use the online shopping to buy the genuine products.


4.       Coconut Oil and Steam bath

Coconut oil is used in both hair and skin. They will spread it in the entire body and will let them to remain for more than one hour. After that they will use the natural shampoo and other products to remove it. You can use many portals to get the genuine coconut oil. It is a good medicine and you can use it in the food also. After that they will take a steam for the body. It will help to open the pores and the hair growth will increase tremendously.

Many more beauty secrets are there and you can try it. Please share you suggestion regarding the blog. Make your life more stunning and beautiful. 

Sunday 6 November 2016

The Best Natural Remedies to get the glowing hair

Are you confused about the maintenance work regarding your hair? If yes the best answer will try the natural remedies daily and try to use the best product in the proper time. Once you use it, then you will always try out it. The beautiful long and healthy hair is always a dream for all women. But to maintain that beauty is not just a simple matter. Here are few methods that you can use daily along with the market cosmetics to maintain your hair healthy and shinning. Let’s make a look on it.

Healthy diet

We may not be bothering about the fact that the role of healthy and nutritious food is vital. But you should give emphasis on the same. Eating something at some time won’t be that much effective. It will just help you to decrease appetite but your body won’t get the essential minerals. Use food having more calcium content. It will give more strength to the hair. For that you can use more marine fishes and calcium rich vegetables. Using curry leaves in your daily diet will be really working.

Use Coconut Oil for conditioning

Coconut Oil is the best natural conditioner and you should use it once in a while. According to the Indian culture, they will apply plenty of coconut oil before bath and will remove it using the suitable shampoo. It will give shinny texture and the hair will remain in the perfect order. Other method you can try out is using the oil after taking bath. It will be acting as a conditioner. Use the online shopping marts to buy the virgin products.

Steam Bath

Steam is one of the best methods to make the hair stronger. The procedure is as follows, apply any oil to the hair and make the thorough massage. After that, allow the steam to come to your hair. The temperature should not be very high. A moderate heat should be used. You can take an hour bath in it.

Proper cleaning

It is one of the very important points that you should consider. You may take the daily bath or once in a while you will go for that. But it won’t make your hair super clean. In the other sense it may make the hair dirtier. Daily you are going outside and hence the dust will get stuck on the hair. You will apply conditioner and other cosmetics to it and will make the hair dirtier. Once in a week you should apply the shampoo along with the conditioner. Daily bathing will make you fresher.

Proper combing

You may now think that what is more to concentrate on the combing. But it plays and important role in the maintenance. Every day you will be combing and you should be very gentle to it. Never make the harsh moves and comb from the root to the tip. Before going to bed, tie your hair tightly so that the hair won’t get damaged.

Share your ideas and suggestions regarding the topic and looking forward for your response.