Sunday 5 November 2017

Top 10 Ethnic Wears Seen All Around the World – Part II


The tradition and lifestyle of each group of people depends on their historical background and way of living. It influences the overall attire and look of people, which includes their costumes too. If we look at the ethnic garments of each civilization, we will be able to understand the versatility. Each one will be different from the other. In the last session, we had gone through some ethnic wears all around the world and we are continuing the same topic here also. Here are another 10 ethnic wears seen around the world.

1.      Dashiki in West Africa


In the olden days it was mainly used in West Africa, but now this garment is very popular in all African countries. It is worn in formal ceremonies. This ethnic garment is characterized with its V neck.

2.      Tapa Cloth in Pacific Islands

tapa cloth

It is also called as the Bark cloth since the material comes from the inner bark. It is also common now a day and is used in formal occasions. It is also used to decorate the walls.

3.      Maori Piupiu in New  Zealand


Piupiu is made using certain grass leaves and it will make a certain pleasing sound while walking. The Maori people use different types of green leaves to make the garments. More ethnic garments are available in the online shopping sites. Grab the best garment with lesser price.
4.      Native American Deerskin in North America


It is evident that the natives of America used the deer skin to make their garments. It shows their rank and clan. They decorated their garments with different types of feathers and quills.

5.      Quadrille Dress in Jamaica


Quadrille is a dance form originated in France. This dress is used while performing this art. It went along with the slave masters to Caribbean.   

6.      Pagne in Central Africa


It is a large piece of cloth with different wonderful colors and patterns. It is mainly used as the skirt and can be used to tie babies.

7.      Gakti in Scandinavia


It is mainly used in the Scandinavian region. It describes the marital status and region of the people. It is worn during the special occasions.

8.      Smock Frock in Britain


It is a collaboration of two types of dresses. One is Smock and the other is loose and long frock. This garment is mainly used by the shepherds in Britain.

9.      Lederhosen in Germany


It was mainly used by the hardworking peasants. The flap at the front distinguishes this dress from other trousers.

10.  Traje De Luces in Spain


It is also called suits of light because of the presence of large number of sequences of gold and silver. It is now available in online shopping marts which facilitate easier shopping.  


Wednesday 25 October 2017

Top 10 Ethnic Costumes seen all Around the World – Part I

Top 10 Ethnic Costumes seen all Around the World – Part I

Traditional dresses are always a sign of culture and identity of a society or region. It mainly depends on the lifestyle and rituals of the people who are residing there. In many cases, these garments are mainly used in the special occasions. But in many other regions, people use it daily. It is always very special to see people in those kinds of dresses. Here, we are making a small research on those ethnic wears.

1.       Hanfu in China(2600 BC)


It is very common in China even before centuries. It is mainly made using silk and was firstly created during the rule of Yellow Emperor.

 2.       Sari in India(2800 BC)

sari - rosepettal

From the Indus Valley civilization itself, sari is using among the women in India and South Asia. It is a long piece of cloth which will be draped without using any stitch. Almost all kinds of these traditional dresses are available in online shopping websites and you can easily grab the most perfect one.

3.       Hanbok in Korea(300 BC)

hanbok - rosepettal

It is designed in such a way that, one who is wearing this cloth, can move easily. It refers to the nomadic feature of people during that era. Later it was influenced by the Mongolians and new type of dresses resembling to Hanbok was created.

4.       Kimono in Japan(800 BC)

kimono - rosepettal

It was formed during the Heian Period and was influenced by the Hanfu. In the later stages, people began to use the western clothes and as a result these kinds of dresses are constricted only to special occasions.

5.       Sarong in Indonesia

sarong - rosepettal

It is made using a special technique called batik, which involves the use of several melted wax and vegetable dyes. In the later stages, many other methods are used to make this garment.

6.       Thawb in Persian Countries

thawb - rosepettal

It is mainly used in the Persian countries and is used by the men. It is a long garment which will help them to survive heavy wind and storm. In the later stages many alterations and made on the same, yet the ethnic beauty is strictly preserved.

7.       Sarafan in Russia(1200 CE)

sarafan - rosepettal

In the early time it was a sign of wealth. The width of this costume indicates the status and dignity of that person in the society. But when the European clothes become popular, Sarafan becomes the garment for peasants.

 8.       Kilt in Scotland(1500 CE)


In 1976, the highland dresses where banned by King George II and this lead declination of Kilts. Yet it was used by many people as a sign of rebellion. Later after the end of ban, this costume becomes the national dress of Scotland.

 9.       BouBou in Africa(700 CE)

It was formed in the 8th century and is still very common in almost all African countries. Try best garment shopping to buy these kinds of exotic dresses.  

10.    Huipil in Central America(1000 BC)

huipil - rosepettal

Women in the Meso America have been using this costume for more than 3000 years and now also you can see this dress in common.  

More ethnic wears are still waiting and we will continue this blog in the next week by including the other garments. Share your suggestions.

Sunday 26 February 2017

5 Best practices to get the fairer skin in two weeks!!!!!

It is always a dream for the ladies to get the best fairer skin within few days. It is a sign of beauty to get the best skin. In many countries the skin texture is not a factor of beauty, yet the lions share believes so. Many modes of cosmetics are available to get the best skin, but be aware about the side effects and results. Always try to get the best quality products without fail. At the same time, one of the best methods is to use the natural products which won’t make any side effects. Many secrets are existing in various parts of the world to get the best skin tone. Here are five methods that you can try without any tension.

1.       Turmeric and Sandal Face Pack

It is a common secret in the Asian countries to get the fairer skin tone in few days. Turmeric is one of the best antibiotics and sandal helps to oxidize the skin. It will reduce the growth of melanin under the skin and hence reduces the darkness. Try to use it daily to get the best results. You can use it in your whole body to get the even skin tone. Online shopping is available to get the genuine turmeric and sandal.  

2.       Saffron Flower

It is another great natural product that you can use without hesitation. High quality Saffron is available from the meditterinian countries. It is a must added product in all beauty products. You can use is directly to skin by making a paste of the same along with any base. Other method is to add this dried flower to the milk and drink it daily. It is very costly and hence the duplicated products are very common in the markets. Try to get the genuine products.

3.       Multani Mitti

It is actually a type of clay, which is seen in Deccan plateau region of India. This clay is taken and is allowed to go through several processes to get the refined one. You can simply apply it to the face along with the water. Make a thick paste of this clay and water and apply it. In India, this mitti is used in many beauty products.

4.       Milk Cream

It is another beauty secret that you can use. In order to make it in your home, you can use the following procedure. First you boil the milk and then allow it to cool. Don’t sit the milk and don’t cover it. After few hours a thick film will be formed on the top of the milk and take it using the spoon or knife. You can gently apply the same to your face and see the results. If you go for buying it from the outer source, then you will be supposed to pay high money. Try online shopping for the best beauty products.    

5.       Basil Powder

It is very common in the villages. Make a thick paste of basil powder and water and apply it to the face. Allow it to dry. It is very suitable during the winter season.

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Different practices in Asia to get the best beautiful skin naturally!!!!!

In Asian countries the people practices different unknown methods to get the best skin. They avoid the chemical makeup and products to retain the natural beauty. They believe that the chemicals will destroy the smoothness of the skin. Still the world class make-up products are very healthy at the same time. The flawless skin is one of the main attractions of the mongoloid race. If you are ready to get that skin tone try their lifestyle and practices.
Here are some practices that will make tremendous changes in the total skin tone and texture.

1.       Early morning Bath

Early morning bath is one the main practice that they are following. The will use the Luke warm water to get the best temperature. By taking that that they are purifying their aura and the external parts. At the same time the body gets rid of the impurities that accumulated on the body on the previous day. They will wake up before the sun rises and hence they will attain the positive energy spread on the atmosphere at that time. This will make tremendous change in the whole beauty and health.

 2.       Prayers and Yoga

After that bath they will enter into the prayers. It is common for all people who believe in any religion. For the Muslims they will offer the Namaz to Allah. For the Hindu believers’ they will go to the temple for worship. For the Christains they will go to the church for the Holy Mass. After that they will do the Yoga, which will heal the internal and external injuries. The peace that we get after yoga is immense. Try out this practice right now.

 3.       Healthy Natural and home-made food

It is another great lifestyle they are following. They will include more vegetables and fruits to their diet. At the same time more steamed and boiled food are used. The consumption of oil is very rare. The non-vegetarian food will be using with the correct proportion of leafy vegetables and salads. Fish is very important for them. The calcium rich food will provide the best parts for the nail and the hair. They will try the fast foods only once in a while.

 4.       Different types of face masks and massages

Natural face mask like multani mitti, basil mask, thulsi mask, egg mask etc are using by them. It will give the natural glow at the same time the complexion will get improved. You can use the online shopping for the best products. Use the best portals to get the trusted products. The neem and thulsi face mask will remove the germs and hence the face will become pimple free. Once you use these products, you will never miss to use it again.

Please convey your suggestions regarding the blog. Share you criticisms too.